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Places I Like To Go


Monday, October 5, 2009

My get up and go just got up and went!

I am on a mission. A weight loss mission. Lets wander back into the past for a second...

Picture it-An 18 year old Kelli weighing 118 pounds. Curves in all the right places and a nice size C cup. I graduate from high school and become a little less active and manage to gain 32 pounds within 6 years. 2003 I become pregnant with my first child. Throughout this pregnancy I gain 70 pounds. Yes you read that correctly. I was a lazy first time pregnant woman! Figured I was "eating for two" so what the hell...

I have my son Mikey December 4th 2003 and by January 8th of 2005 I have lost 60 of those pounds. Woohoo! Back down to 160. Well, my joy is short lived as far as weight loss is concerned because that is also the day that I find out Mike and I are expecting our second child. With Nathan I gained 45 pounds so I skyrocket back up to 205 pounds. After Nathan I got down to about 190 and stayed there till I got pregnant in 2006 with our third son Dylan. With him I gained about 35 pounds so I was still well above 200 when I gave birth. Fell back down to 190 with Dylan before we moved into our house and within about two months I lost 15 more pounds. Again, I find myself pregnant with our fourth son Benjamin. I gained about 30 pounds with him and lost 25 of it within two weeks after giving birth to him. However, this was in thanks to the horrible flu I had, the post partum depression and the wonderful infection in my c section incision. After I was all better I gained some weight back. Now I am at 188 and I have stayed there for the last two months. Nothing lost yet nothing gained.

My dream goal is to get down to a sexy 125 pounds. Actually according to those crazy charts, I am supposed to be at 123. I am 5 foot 3 inches incase you are wondering. Needless to say, my realistic goal is 140. The dilema here is that I have no willpower. I joke that I used it all to help me quit smoking years ago. But sadly, I am serious. So hopefully knowing that someone out there is going to be reading this and wanting updates about my weight loss (or if you would rather see me fail-my weight gain) it will give me the motivation to work harder at this. Wish me luck!

This is me at 175 lbs


Shani - Wicked Princess said...

You are GORGEOUS!!!! I love you which ever way you are as long as your healthy and happy. And some day when we meet in person, our boobies will squish and wont' get a good hug in because they get in the way! LMAO! I love you :)

Christine said...

I have faith in you, Kel. If I can do it, anyone can!

About Me

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Mohawk, NY, United States
I am married to Mike. We have been together for 12 years and married for 4 of those years. We have 4 gorgeous boys together. Mikey is 5 yrs old. Nathan is 4 yrs old. Dylan is 2 1/2 yrs old and Benjamin is almost 9 months old.
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