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Thursday, April 8, 2010

My love-My life


It sounds so cliche' but, my husband is the love of my life. My soul mate and my best friend. I have been with Mike for 13 years now. It was like a roller coaster for a few years but whenever push came to shove, we had each others backs. He has been my rock through my entire adult life. I can talk to him about anything. He is the main supporter in my struggle with anxiety. I don't think I tell him enough how much he means to me. I take for granted that he will always be here and I really shouldn't. I can be myself with him and be comfortable.

Mike has seen me at my worst and still expressed his love for me. I am not always the most likable person, and I don't always treat him the way I should but I can not imagine my life without him in it. Just to look into his eyes everyday, and to hug him and kiss him-it still gives me butterflies 13 years into the relationship. We both have our flaws of course, and I have come to be ok with that.

Mike and I are so connected. I can be thinking of something and he will say it. It is strange but very cool :-)

With Mike in my life I know that I will always be loved and I will always be ok because he will make sure of it.


About Me

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Mohawk, NY, United States
I am married to Mike. We have been together for 12 years and married for 4 of those years. We have 4 gorgeous boys together. Mikey is 5 yrs old. Nathan is 4 yrs old. Dylan is 2 1/2 yrs old and Benjamin is almost 9 months old.
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